Olivia Jones LPCC-S

Liv Deliciously Counseling and Consulting LLC

Supervision Details

| Supervisee Name: Contact Phone/Email: Supervisee License Number: Total Supervision Hours Required: Meeting Day/Time: | Supervisor Name: Olivia (Liv) Jones Contact: [email protected] Supervisor License Number: E.2203237-SUPV Hours of Operation: Mon-Thurs, 6am-12pm Cost Per Hour: $50 | | --- | --- |

Supervision Expectations

  1. The Purpose, Goals, and Objectives of Supervision is to:
    1. fulfill requirements of training supervision as defined in section 7 “Skills to Learn
    2. promote development of the supervisee’s skills, professional identity, and competency.
    3. provide the supervisee with support at the mutually agreed frequency to support their growth as a new clinician.
  2. Content and Context of Supervision:
    1. The content of supervision will focus on the acquisition of knowledge, conceptualization of cases, and skills within the defined scope of practice, outlined below under section 7 “Skills to Learn
    2. The context will ensure the supervisee understands and follows ethical codes, rules, regulations, standards, guidelines (including consent, confidentiality/privacy), and all relevant legislation in the state of Ohio in regard to the counseling profession.
  3. Supervisory Record Forms will be used to document the content of each supervisory session, and feedback will be available following each supervisory session via Google Drive. These forms, completed by the supervisor, will also serve as a record of hours the supervisee has completed, therefore, if the supervisee has lost track of how many hours they have completed, these forms will have the hours documented and will be accessible anytime. The supervisor may ask the supervisee to document their own thoughts and experiences with supervision for the purpose of skill development, not record keeping.
  4. Rights and Responsibilities of Both Parties:
    1. Supervisor Rights and Responsibilities:
      1. To uphold ethical guidelines, requirements, professional standards, and expectations and provide a model of an ethical and healthy therapeutic relationship.
      2. To ask questions about the supervisee’s work and workload to ensure safe practices/to know the clinical work the supervisee is doing and the way in which it is being done.
      3. To provide the supervisee with relevant feedback on their perceived skills/performance.
      4. To observe the supervisee’s practice and to initiate supportive and corrective action as appropriate and required by our code of ethics.
      5. To keep records of supervision meetings and create an organized space for the supervisee to access shared resources.
      6. To assist the supervisee in management of problems as they impact the supervisee’s performance and ability to engage in therapeutic work.
      7. To support the supervisee utilizing the agreed upon supervision plan.
      8. To complete all forms as requested by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Work, and Marriage and Family Therapy Board (CSWMFT Board), including a professional disclosure statement of supervisor and supervision logs (http://cswmft.ohio.gov/pdfs/SupvLog.pdf )
      9. To ensure the supervisee understands the roles and responsibilities of each party.
    2. Supervisee Rights and Responsibilities:
      1. To uninterrupted time in a private space.
      2. To supervisors time, attention, and guidance.
      3. To receive feedback.
      4. To set part of the agenda as the supervisee desires.
      5. To ask questions.
      6. To expect the supervisor to carry out agreed action or provide an appropriate explanation, within an agreed time frame.
      7. To have their development and training needs met.
      8. To challenge ideas in a constructive way.
      9. To uphold professional and ethical standards.
      10. To be prepared to discuss client cases with the aid of case notes.
      11. To validate diagnoses, interventions, approaches, and techniques utilized.
      12. To be open to change and use of alternative methods of practice if required.
      13. To consult the on site work supervisor or designated contact person in the case of an emergency.
      14. To maintain commitment to ongoing continued education and the counseling profession.
  5. Procedural Considerations:
    1. Supervisee’s written case notes are incredibly important for understanding and managing case conceptualizations and reports.
    2. Issues relating to the supervisee’s professional development will be discussed empathetically and openly.
    3. Sessions will be used to discuss issues of conflict and failure of either party to abide by the guidelines outlined in this contract should be discussed openly and honestly. If concerns of either party are not resolved in supervision, (NAME OF LPC’s AGENCY/PRACTICE/SITE SUPERVISOR) may be consulted to ensure supervision requirements on-site are met.
    4. In event of an emergency, the supervisee is instructed to contact (NAME OF AGENCY LPC’s/PRACTICE/SITE SUPERVISOR). The above listed supervisor is only available within hours of operation listed.
  6. This contract is subject to revision at any time, upon the request of either the supervisee or the supervisor. A formal review, however, will be conducted every six months and revisions to the contract will be made only with consent of the supervisee and approval of the supervisor.

7. Skills to Learn

Modified for each supervisee and their needs.